Change the DB icon!
Peter Rossano 0

Change the DB icon!

16 signers. Add your name now!
Peter Rossano 0 Comments
16 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Double Brick: It's time to change our icon.

It's time to take a stand.Together, we can take back control of our pasts, presents, and futures! An icon, and with it a mascot, is the most fundamental piece of any group, uniting the members and symbolizing the truth behind their efforts. Like haven't you seen Finding Nemo??? If not, I'll let you in: Nemo, a mere child, gets abducted –– and this is after his mother and unborn siblings were all brutally murdered –– and then he was forced to live in captivity with a bunch of other kidnapped kids, and then he dies (I think; I haven't seen the end). SCARY STUFF! Aaaaaand fish are sooo outdated. like no. So, if you agree that a change in mascot is in need, why are you still reading this?!?!

Sign the petition. Or don't.

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