Jianna Toffry 0


121 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Jianna Toffry 0 Comments
121 people have signed. Add your voice!
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east allegheny has a strict dress code. we wear “uniforms”. collared shirt or turtle neck. with pants that are blue, black, or brown/tan. NO jeans. no jackets, no hoodies, NO outerwear. no flip flops/slides. for girls, nothing “revealing” or “tight”. no shoulders. and the shorts you can wear have to be at finger length. i think we should be able to wear jeans, sweatpants, or leggings. nothing revealing or what would be considered “bad”. i think we should be able to wear any shirt unless it shows signs of “gang affiliation”, bad language. also, revealing shirts. i think crop tops should be okay at a CERTAIN length. as for men, i think she should be able to freely wesr anything, with the same restrictions as girls on the shirts. on top of just the dress code it’s self, having the dress code/uniform makes it so that you spend more money for specifically THAT type of clothing. when some people may not even have the money for that. and if you dont have the right clothes or the clothes font follow the guidelines, you get written up or abc for the whole day. i would like to send this to the school board or atleast our principal through email. so anyone able to help the petition, please do. it will all be very much appreciated.

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