Variation to Covenant

Hello Neighbors,
The photo below shows the back of my family's home at 422 Bartram Trail Club Drive. The retaining wall was added in order to give a us a yard where we could have normal family activities . Before wall was built, the downward slope was so severe we had no backyard at all and no way possible to have any type of family activities.
The purpose of this petition is my family needs your help. The HOA is threatening to put a $25,000 lien on our home because the wall is over 4 feet tall. We are just asking for a variation to this covenant. We honestly did not know the restriction and certainly was not aware we needed approval from HOA. We did get approval from the county and soil was tested by CSRA Soil conservation before project was started. We also paid an engineering fee to assure it was built correctly.
If we can get a signature from 70% of the home owners in Bartram Trail, we stand a good chance of saving our backyard without spending any more money. Please help by signing this petition and feel free to come by if you have any questions.