Emus VsEmos 0

Change The Banning System of iFunny

23 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Emus VsEmos 0 Comments
23 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The ifunny banning system is terrible. Offensive and humorous accounts get banned, while porn and hentai accounts remain. On top of that, iFunnyOfficial and other mods abuse their ban hammer, and ban accounts just for pointing out the errors in the app. ifunny is no longer a place for smiles, it is now a place of war. A war against offensives and mods, a war against offensives and porn, a war against yiffs, clops, and weaboos. ifunny needs a new banning system, one without a ban hammer. One where if you get reported enough times, a person will look into your account and take appropriate action. No more ban raids on accounts who haven't done anything wrong. No more mods harassing the offensives. By signing this, you are a true supporter of changing ifunny. - EmusVsEmos

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