Change Stamford Board of Education Field Allocation Policy
Bob Pepi 0

Change Stamford Board of Education Field Allocation Policy

902 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Bob Pepi 0 Comments
902 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Whereas youth sports nonprofits have served Stamford children for up to as many as 70 years (currently, over 5,000 kids being served by the Stamford Youth Sports Coalition members);

Whereas the youth sports nonprofits provide every quality level of programming (from
recreation to elite) to each resident of Stamford regardless of their ability to pay or their talent level;

Whereas the youth sports nonprofits provide scholarships in the many thousands of dollars each year to Stamford residents;

Whereas the for-profit businesses which are pushing for space on Stamford Board
of Education fields serve very few, if any, Stamford youth and will undermine the nonprofit programs;

Whereas the for profit businesses already have access to other fields outside of Stamford or at their own facilities;

Whereas these "elite" programs are no more competitive than local programs and cost an average of three times as much;

Whereas Stamford adult nonprofits in all sports overwhelmingly serve Stamford taxpayers;

Whereas those residents of Stamford who are not part of youth or adult nonprofit sports leagues should not be prevented by businesses from spontaneous access to the fields that these taxpayers themselves are financing;

Whereas the field allocation policy of the Recreation Department of the City of Stamford is designed to support the youth and adult sports nonprofits and avoids permitting to businesses that compete with nonprofits on City run fields;

We, the undersigned Stamford taxpayers ask that the Board of Education clarify, and if necessary change, their current field allocation policy so that it mirrors the City of Stamford Recreation Department field allocation policy and does not permit for-profit businesses on Board of Education fields when they compete with Stamford youth sports nonprofit

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Supporting this petition:
Stamford Youth Sports Coalition:

Stamford American Legion Baseball
Stamford American Little League
Stamford Babe Ruth Baseball
Stamford Babe Ruth Softball
Stamford Junior Wrestling
Stamford Lacrosse Association
Stamford National Little League
Stamford North Little League
Stamford Youth Cheer Leading
Stamford Youth Football
Stamford Youth Hockey
Stamford Youth Soccer

Stamford Adult Sports Nonprofits:
Amateur Soccer of Ct
America's League of Stamford
Haitian American Soccer League
Italian American Columbus Day Tournament

Southern Ct Woman's Soccer League

Stamford City Over 40's SASL
Stamford Coed League
Stamford Mets Ct National MSLB

Stamford Over 30's SASL

Stamford United Over 40's SASL
Stamford Pirates Ct National MSLB
Stamford YMCA Flag Football League

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