Let's Change Keswick's Winter Parking Law Now

We're asking you to sign this petition and forward to as many residents of Keswick and Georgina as possible. The petition will be presented to Council on DEC 12TH 2011 so it's important to DO THIS RIGHT NOW.We are asking Council to remove the overnight parking restriction and FINE so that friends and family can visit and park on the street overnight during the holiday season this year without getting a $30 ticket. Short term the restriction will be relaxed for Dec 24th-26th and Dec 31st-Jan 1st this year with the long term goal of getting this bylaw removed altogther or revised to meet taxpayers needs. PLEASE SIGN THIS AND CALL OR EMAIL YOUR COUNCILLOR ALSO. Info can be found here: http://www.town.georgina.on.ca/council.aspx Thanks, Mike Merker 52 Castille Cr Keswick,ON 289-488-1532