We, the rank and file of Teamsters Local 690, strongly object to the way our hiring hall rules are written and want to see them changed as proposed.
We are perfectly aware that the AGC must agree to the proposed changes and that OUR hiring hall rules are attached to our contract. We are also aware that our rules were developed by a rank and file committee representing the Heavy Highway members from the four (4) Locals in Eastern Washington who gave their construction jurisdiction in Eastern Washington to Local 690. Furthermore, we understand that this was done to consolidate the various conflicting referral rules into, what our elected representatives of Teamsters Local 690, believe to be, one consistent and "fair" referral system.
Proposed rule changes include:
- 'A' List members should have the right to solicit work while employed.
- When an applicant has three (3) unsuccessful call attempts in one calendar month, they shall be placed at the bottom of the appropriate list as opposed to being suspended for 15-30 days.
- If a member refuses a dispatch, they shall be placed at the bottom of the appropriate list as opposed to being suspended for 15-30 days.
- We are proposing that Local 690's dispatch areas be defined by several city centers as opposed to just a broad "north" and "south".
- As result of a Schedule D, Rule 17 being misinterpreted by our local union, we would like to further define it by adding specific language.
It is the will of the rank and file that these changes be put into place. The elected leadership of Local 690 has our utmost confidence and hope that they will do everything in their power to make these changes happen.