Change Class Format

Many of the UC Davis students of the MIC 102 Fall 2020 quarter are signing this petition to ask for a change in the way that we are being asked to digest information. We would like that the lectures be posted first so we know what material that you (the professor) find important so that we can better focus on that material in the textbook. We are also asking for the quizzes to be given AFTER the lectures have been released, either on the same day or the next day so it keeps us from falling behind on the material. A lot of us have been dedicating a lot of time to just READING the chapters (which are normally 20-40 pages PER chapter) and it's been causing some of us to fall behind on our other responsibilities for other classes. It may not be the only reason but it is a huge factor. We are still agreeing to do all the work in your class but in a different order, we think it will benefit us greatly if these changes are implemented. We would still be taking three quizzes per week, reading the assigned chapters and watching lectures; just in a different order. We would also like if you gave us more practice questions, outside of homework and the "clicker" questions in the lectures. Many of us think that having these extra questions that don't count towards our grade would help us understand the material better and help our overall performance.
I have made a simple schedule with a sample week.
Monday - 10 AM Lecture released - 11:59 PM Quiz due
Wednesday - 10 AM Lecture - 5 PM Homework Due - 11:59 PM Quiz due
Friday - 10 AM Lecture - 11:59 PM Quiz due