Change bylaw Article VI Section 10 written for HOA.
Missy Guthrie 0

Change bylaw Article VI Section 10 written for HOA.

32 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Missy Guthrie 0 Comments
32 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Dear homeowners in McFarlin Woods. My husband and I want to turn our garage into a room for my grandmother who is 90 years old. The board told us that we could not brick the garage door space in with two windows and a door because of the HOA rules. We need your help to get this rule changed. The rule states that each home must have a two-car garage. I do love parking in a garage, but both of our vehicles cannot fit into the garage. Our garage like many of yours became a catch all for junk. What we would like to do and planned on doing was to match our brick and have the new brick and old brick mixed together to form a more appealing look with two windows and a door. We receive a permit from the Nolensville Town Hall and were not told to contact our HOA. We did not follow the correct steps with commutating with the board so a letter was sent out telling us to stop work. It was like pulling teeth to get someone to call us back and to find out the board members contact information and names. We do have that list now and their are great people that are serving on the board, but this is our neighborhood and everyone should have access to the meetings and to the board members contact information. We asked to go to the meeting about our project and were told no. We asked if our contractor could go so we could speed up the process for our project and were told no. We asked if we could be on the emails that were discussing our home and were told no. We were told no to all of the above because we might not like someone’s decision and that might cause repercussions to the board members. My husband and I are both very active in the community and understand when you voluntary for a position you cannot make everyone happy, but when you take on that position you have to stand tall and be a person that can be contacted. The board members that we spoke to were very nice and said that they understood and did not have a problem with what we were doing to our house, but some how it did not pass. The board members said to put up a garage door that would not function and have dry wall on the inside- but will have the appearance of a two-car garage to follow the bylaws that were written in 1996. Another idea they gave us was to add an additionally two-car garage, but that would be costly and we would never see the return. So here is where you come in as my neighbor. We need 2/3 of the neighbors in McFarlin to sign a petition stating that the bylaw Article VI Section 10 written for HOA rule can be changed. Here is what we would like for the finished project to look like.


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