Change Australian Legislation to ensure Children's worker are held accountable for abuse in care and to give the Children's Court Power

I need to be able to speak in Parliament to have laws changed so that the Children's Court has power to act against any Care and Protection service of children or young people. At this time the Court has no power to breach the CPS (or individual officers) on breaking Court orders, hold CPS (or individual officers) in contempt of Court, have little power to make specific orders in the "best interest of the child", or criminal charges of those officers who have placed a child in a situation where they have been abused. Additionally few rules of "normal law" apply and evidence is being used such as 3rd,4th,6th or 7th hand hearsay evidence as fact like Chinese whispers.
The CPS or DoCS, continually breach orders of the court, require little or no evidence to remove children, place children in unsafe situations and the Court can not hold them accountable as they are bound by legislation.
To be able to get into Parliament to speak about a change to legislation, I need as many signatures as possible and certainly over 1000.
I have approached every minister in Canberra seeking to take me before parliament on these matters... the ministers will not even touch CPS.