Diane-Audrey Carlier 0

Change a bridge's racist name in Clewiston Florida

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Diane-Audrey Carlier 0 Comments
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Negro Jim Hammock Bridge is a bridge located in Clewiston, FL.

It's a vestige of Jim Crow discrimination throughout the South.

Jim Crow wasn't a real person but a term which affected the lives of millions of people. Named after a popular 19th century minstrel song that stereotyped African Americans, "Jim Crow" came to personify the system of government-sanctioned racial oppression and segregation in the US.

This is the reason why we have to change this bridge's name, because it's racist & disrespectful to the Black community.

Hollywood in Florida already renamed 3 Confederate streets (John Bell Hood, Robert E. Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest are now known as Hope, Liberty and Freedom streets). With your help we can manage to do it again for this infamous Negro Jim Hammock Bridge. We can't tolerate racist names anymore, please help!

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