Changan Almajdouie Saudi Arabia Dealer Unsatisfactory After-Sales Performance

Dears Changan Automobile Co.
We are the owners of your products the Changan cars. As much as we like our cars we are having hard times with your current pick to represent you in Saudi Arabia. Almajdouie company is doing well selling the cars because you did a good job manufacturing them, but when it comes to after-sales we are suffering, and our cars that we love become a source of pain.
The some of the issues with Almajdouie company include but not limited to:
1- Not providing all the spare parts on time.
2- Low skilled maintenance workers at the shops, some of us had faced bigger issues after maintenance than before.
3- Workshop hours are the same as regular hours on weekdays of most of the owners, meaning we have to leave work in order to regularly maintain our cars. Ironically, the sales rooms opens in the evenings, but the maintenance shops close at 4 pm.
4- Customer service are rude and do not show respect to customers as they should be, driven by short of workers and high demand for services they feel as they do not have to attract more customers therefore why bother to show good behavior?
These are some of the most common problems we face at the dealer, and we have raised our voices on multiple occasions and received no reaction from the company. Hereby we are hoping that you may influence a change at the dealer to enhance their performance to match your products, or you may find a better alternative to represent you in Saudi Arabia.
Thank you and best regards.
Changan cars owners.