Chance to apply for mitacs

The dean academics,
NIT Rourkela
Respected sir,
Subject - appeal for a chance to apply in the Mitacs global link programme.
As we all are aware that students look upto certain milestones they want to reach in their academic tenure and bagging a good 3rd year summer internship means a lot and the reputed Mitacs programme is no exception. Students find themselves very lucky if they get a chance to intern at reputed universities abroad. Unfortunately this time our institute hasn't been included in the list of eligible institutes that can apply for the programme due to some circumstances of the past and many of us feel that its a great opportunity thats being lost in not able to even apply for the Mitacs programme.
Its our humble request if you could help the students in this matter as it will indeed mean a lot.
We will be obliged by your kind favour.
Thanking you.