Mr. Qasim Tu was harassed by Vietnamese officer !

To Dpt. Office of Civil Rights USA Letter of Petition by Qasim Tu Dear Sirs My name is Qasim Tu, born in Viet Nam, belong to an ethnic minority called the Cham. In 1994, my mother and I left Viet Nam, resettled in the US under the Orderly Departure Program (ODP). Later, I naturalized to become the citizen of US in 2000. After many years, I've been granted Visa to return to Viet Nam as many other Vietnameses who returned to visit our homeland. However, during this visiting, I was harassed by a Vietnamese officer for whom I decided to write this petition letter. After a few days arrival in Viet Nam, my brother-in-law and I went to the People Hospital 115, located at Nguyen Tri Phuong street, district 10, Ho Chi Minh city in the morning of August 29, 2006, waiting for good news from my poor father-in-law who had been in critical condition there due to heart problems. While waiting, I got a phone call in the hospital, a man on the other line introduced himself as officer Quang or Nguyen Trung Quang, a security officer who worked for Department of Interior of Viet Nam. Mr. Nguyen said that he wanted to see me immediately. Since, we were in the emergency room; I replied that I could not see him at this moment. Having failed in securing an appointment to see me, Mr. Nguyen threatened bluntly: Actually, I do not want to see you, however, Ive got a letter from abroad accusing you of illegal activities therefore I want to meet with you in order to clarify the issues. If you dont want to see me now then on the day you return, there will be custom agents who will work with you at the airport. I can not guarantee your safe return to the US! After the crisis of my father-in-law at the hospital was over, I called Mr. Nguyen, requesting to see him at a coffee shop to clarify with him whatever he got on me. At about 2:30pm, Mr. Nguyen Trung Quang and Nguyen Xuan Trieu, another security officer came. I brought with me two of my friends to this rendezvous. Wasted no time, Mr. Quang said to me as he sat down,: Ive got a letter from abroad accusing that you established an organization then forced people to donate their money for your private activities. Is it true I asked him politely: Can I see the letter that you are talking about He replied: You dont have the privilege to see that letter! I said: Whatever you are telling me or whatever contains in that letter is completely false. I can prove to you that I did not establish such an organization that forces people to donate their money for my private activities Returning to visit our homeland is the dreams come true for those who fled their country. After so many years living in the United States, Ive been granted Visa to return to Viet Nam as many other Vietnameses who returned to visit our homeland. Ive complied with the Vietnamese laws as a tourist. However, Mr. Nguyen Trung Quang, a junior officer who works in the Department of Interior abused his authority. He harassed, threatened in attempt to frame me for the activity that I did not do. He violated my right in the broad daylight. I am a US citizen, living and working in US. If I found an organization that collects peoples money illegally then I must be brought to justice by the laws of the US. Mr. Nguyen Trung Quang, a junior officer who works for the Vietnamese government has no jurisdiction over my activity in the US. However, he had the audacity to harass, threaten a US citizen who has done nothing wrong but to visit my ancestral homeland. Mr. Nguyen clearly went too far, abused his authority and violated my right. I was born in Viet Nam, resettled in the US but my ethnicity is Cham origin. The entire Cham population in the US is approximately five thousands. Most of us who return to Viet Nam were followed or questioned like a criminal as in my case and others such as Hassan Po Klaun (my father), Musa Porome, Dr. Po Dharma, On the other hand, when the Vietnameses return to visit Viet Nam, they did not face such a hardship or if there is, it is well-found. One may ask, why exist such a double standard when dealing with the Cham The only logical explanation is we, the Cham who lives inside or outside Viet Nam, are subjected to political targets. We always being harassed for frivolous misdemeanor, and do not have same right and were not treated equally as the Vietnamese. Former President Ho Chi Minh stated: Viet Nam (nation) is One; her people are One. Mountain can change and river can dry, but that (the truth) can never be changed. In the meantime, The Party and Government allow those who are in power to fall through the crack, abuse this excellent motto, discriminate Ethnic Minority Because of the mistreatment of Minorities, The Party and Government has inarguably made us think that the Cham and other Minorities who reside inside Viet Nam as only the Second Class citizens. The Vietnamese government encourages foreign companies, corporations from oversea to invest, do business in Viet Nam, and promote better treatment for Diaspora Vietnamese to return home. Moreover, Viet Nam is trying to be a member of World Trade Organization (WTO). As a witness to this injustice, Cham people in Diaspora from all over the world and I kindly request The State Dpt. Human Right Organizations and other International Organizations object the mistreatment of Minorities by Viet Nam government so we can enjoy safe return to visit our ancestral homeland. Truly Yours, Qasim Tu