Matt Moore 0

Chamblee Manor DCI & Rezoning

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Note from SWNA: Please DO NOT donate any funds on this page. It only goes directly to ipetitions, and not to our neighborhood. Thank you!

Top priority:

  • No rezoning of 3462 Sexton Woods Dr
  • Adequate left turn lane from Peachtree northbound into the development
  • Ban left turns onto Sexton Woods Dr from the development
  • No variance on the 40ft required buffer between commercial and residential property

High priority:

  • Disconnect service road from parking deck
  • Reduce number of units per acre
  • Require privacy walls/trees between development & homes
  • No access through private property to Keswick Park lawn
  • Any Rail Trail extension also needs 40-ft buffer from homes

Other Requests:

  • Eliminate the bump-out curb at Sexton Woods Dr and Peachtree Blvd
  • Increase retail space vs apartment space
  • No balconies overlooking single family homes
  • Ensure storm drainage does not overwhelm Sexton Woods Dr or the Keswick homes

Developer Applications:

Rezoning Issues

The application to rezone is requesting a land use plan amendment which does NOT follow the Future Land Use Map or the Character Area Map developed by the City of Chamblee. Instead it is requesting to rezone a Low Density Residential Property zoned NR-1 (least dense Category under current code) to the highest density allowed by code Village Residential (VR) directly adjacent to more NR-1 properties. Please see the Chamblee Comprehensive Plan produced by the City of Chamblee. We are all for well-designed, pedestrian-oriented development, but rezoning residential property with the intention to increase density and relocate buffer lines is not in the best intent for the Neighborhoods. The proposed use as a thoroughfare is also not responsible nor in the best interest of the health of Sexton Woods. Sexton Woods is an Established Residential Neighborhood under the Comprehensive Plan, and this request does NOT follow the Policies and Implementation Measures outlined in the Comp Plan page 146. Protecting the safety and well-being of the children both at Chamblee Middle school and at home is always our top priority but there are also hundreds of Dog Walkers, Joggers, Cyclists, and outdoor enthusiasts who take advantage of the walkability of Sexton Woods Drive daily. Allowing an entrance to an out-of-scale complex by rezoning a single family home is not responsible development and would greatly impact our neighborhood.

1. Application PZ2021-705 to rezone 3462 Sexton Woods Drive and amendment to the Future Land Use Map to VR Village Residential.

  1. SWNA Objection - To DENY the request to rezone and the request to amend the future land use comp map.

Traffic Issues

The development proposed is located at the intersection of Peachtree Boulevard and Chamblee Tucker Rd which is identified by Chamblee’s Comp Plan 10-20-19 as a “High Crash Hotspot” and reported numerous “crashpoints” at the intersection and frontage roads. Along with other issues of pedestrian safety, SWNA puts forth the following prioritized concerns:

  1. Sexton Woods Drive is extremely pedestrian-oriented with many children going to and from Chamblee Middle School on bike and on foot. Allowing the proposed project to cut through Sexton Woods would be dangerous to pedestrians.
    1. SWNA Objection: The service entrance on Sexton Woods Drive should be limited to Right-out and Left-in only, pushing the traffic back to Peachtree Blvd and the signalized intersection and not through the residential neighborhood.
  2. The current proposed design appears to only allow for right-in while travelling southbound and does not allow for left-in while travelling northbound.
    1. SWNA Objection: Full movement signalization should be provided from both southbound and northbound cars into the parking deck from Peachtree Blvd as well as correct car storage lanes.
  3. Due to both traffic and safety concerns, the curb cut on Sexton Woods Drive should be solely used as a service entrance. Loading and fire access can function in the rear of property without access to the parking deck.
    1. SWNA Objection: Limit access from the service entrance on Sexton Woods Drive to loading vehicles and fire trucks only by removing all access to the parking deck.
  4. The existing right turn from Sexton Woods Dr onto Peachtree Blvd southbound is too sharp, with mid-size to larger vehicles already running over the curb. The proposed addition of both additional vehicular traffic and additional pedestrian traffic, as well as the proposed addition of outdoor tenant amenities at this corner, the existing turn has the potential for tragedy.
    1. SWNA Objection: Ease the turning angle at this corner and move proposed outdoor pedestrian amenities farther back from the street

Buffer Issues

  1. There is no adequate buffer to insulate the established neighborhood homes from the commercial development proposed. The residential property at 3462 Sexton Woods Drive should not be used as a tool for commercial development to encroach further into a residential neighborhood. Based on the 2019 Chamblee Comprehensive Plan, the City of Chamblee’s vision for the Established Residential Character Area, which this property is part of, is to preserve established neighborhoods as single-family residential areas. The push by the proposed development into the neighborhood would not be in keeping with the city’s vision and would set a precedent for other commercial developments in the future. The project as currently designed has residential building heights in the rear of the project up to 61 ft high setting on top of a 10 ft height retaining wall totaling over 70 ft in height. That height backing into the neighborhood is greater than the residential building height along Peachtree Blvd frontage. This is not a good transition into the neighborhood as stated by the developer and developer legal counsel.

Additionally, the proposed future rail trail connection should not be used as a mechanism to encroach further into the neighborhood while providing no reliable buffer to the adjacent established residential homes, zoned NR-1 and NR-2. As such, we are in opposition of the following buffer variance request: “Section 230-l(b)- Variance to Reduce Buffer Adjacent to NR-1 or NR-2 Zoning District as reflected on the site plan and if measured from the proposed Rail Trail to property line would range from less than one foot to 36 feet.”

    1. SWNA Objections:
      1. Follow all buffer requirements per code and planting requirements
      2. Install 10-foot privacy fencing near the property lines adjacent to residential homes.
      3. Balconies should not be installed on the rear of the property adjacent to residential homes, causing noise and privacy concerns.
  1. The proposed development is requesting to remove 40 trees, including nine specimen trees. Given the proximity to Chamblee’s Keswick Forest, part of the Old-Growth Forest Network, it would be out of character to clear-cut these trees. Also, preserving these trees will help maintain the buffer with the residential properties.
    1. SWNA Objection: Preserve the trees which lie near the rear boundary line of the proposed development.
  2. Any public walking trail or Rail Trail extension is a part of the proposed development and the primary consumers of this amenity would be the residents of the development. Any amenity should be treated like a part of the development and be subject to the same 40-foot buffer from other residential properties and have the same privacy separations as the rest of the development. Bringing a public space adjacent to private property brings a safety concern that must be addressed.
    1. SWNA Objection: Rail trail extension should be built on the development side of the 40-foot buffer and be cut off from the downhill neighborhood by both trees and privacy/security fencing.

Other Issues

  1. The Proposed Pedestrian Connection to the Park (pg 71 DCI Application) would require taking property from at least two homeowners and route public pedestrian traffic through backyards. This would cause undue harm for the residential homes which would be required to allow this access, both in terms of privacy and safety. It is also wholly unnecessary, as adequate pedestrian access to Keswick Park is available via the existing sidewalk along Peachtree Blvd or via the proposed Rail Trail extension.
    1. SWNA Objection: Remove any proposal to cut through residential property to access the Keswick Park lawn.
  2. The proposed development will have 467,000 square feet of residential living space and 15,000 square feet of residential support/amenities with only 3 commercial units totalling 9,000 square feet. Mixed use development derives its community value from public amenities which serve the larger community. In addition, providing adequate retail that is walking distance from residents of the apartment complex as well as the larger community. Having 3x disconnected 3000 ft2 retail bays provides minimal value to either group. In addition, this proposal converts property that is 100% commercial into one that is 98% residential or residential support.
    1. SWNA Objection: Increase the ratio of retail space to residential space and connect the bays to maximize future flexibility. The entire Peachtree Blvd streetfront should be public retail.
  3. Site plan shows property storm outlet onto Sexton Woods Dr. The storm drain infrastructure in Sexton Woods is aging and spotty. It’s important to ensure that storm water runoff onto Sexton Woods Dr is equal to or less than the current runoff, especially considering that there is far less permeable surface in the proposed development compared to the existing buildings.
    1. SWNA Objection: Ensure that Sexton Woods Dr is not the only outlet for storm water

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