CGHS Prom 2016
I have decided to start a petition to get our prom back. Sign this if you want it back too.
Hello, Mr. Whitrow,
I have been at the “Meet the Teacher” night a few days ago, and heard something that made me quite concerned. You said that the prom will not be organized by the school this year. But I, and many others want our chance at the splendid night that all the other graduates got before us.
Prom is the end of the high school journey, it is the night that so many dream about since, well, forever. In all the movies, prom is a magical time, shown like no other that teens have ever experienced before. It is a time that we, the students, have been looking forward to our whole high school careers. And frankly, we are quite upset with your decision. Because taking our magical night away from us is unfair. We are not that bad of a bunch, in my opinion.
You might say that it could be organized by the parents. But we want to feel like the school cares about us. We want to feel like you helped us get our special night. We want to shake the teachers’ hands before we walk in. And you can’t just take it away from us. What, will the parents organize prom in somebody’s backyard?
You might say that we get drunk before prom. I can’t speak for everyone, I know that. But I don’t drink. Neither do any of my friends. Neither do quite a few students. And, perhaps having breathalyzers at the entrance isn’t a bad idea.
You might say that we do not help with prom, and it’s all thrown on the teachers’ shoulders. I promise that if you give us our prom, I will help. I will set up, I will decorate, whatever it takes. I will get a few others too. And perhaps we could have a few parents on our committee as well, so they could help with the setting up part.
In all honestly, I do not think that students should be asking to get their prom. It is a tradition that goes way back. And we want to keep that tradition going. So please. Help us. We will do our best. Just give us our last special high school night.
Ema Krichevskaya