End Psychological Research In CFS/ME

CFS is recognised by the World Health Organisation as a neurological disease which ranks with Multiple Sclerosis and Motor Neurone Disease in disease severity and disability. CFS research is being skewed towards psychological research and not enough research is being done into the biological basis of this devastating illness. Millions of dollars of public money worldwide is being spent in research into the psychology of an illness in which the biological basis is still not fully understood. Please Sign this petition to increase research funding into Chronic Fatigue Syndrome /Myalgic Encephalitis /Fibromyalgia. Sufferers of this illness need your help! Almost everyone has heard of people or has friends or family members who suffer from this condition. So little is know about it and we need government\'s around the world to take it seriously. Patients with CFS/ME/FM have a combination of the following major symptoms for more than 6 months before their condition is considered CFS/ME/FM: 1. Post-exertional Malaise (tiredness after doing anything) 2. Immune Dysfunction (unable to fight off infections) 3. Muscle Pain and Weakness 4. Enlarged and Painful Lymph Glands 5. CFS Dementia (inability to concentrate, changes to short-term memory, difficulty in planning and executing tasks etc) 6. Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Prevalence estimates for CFS/ME/FM worldwiide is between 1 and 5% of populations. This is a massive number of people suffering with this illness which as yet has no treatment or cure. It is difficult to know just how many people are really affected because so little is still known about this illness. This disease significantly impacts on the lives of patients, their families and carers. There is also a considerable cost to health systems and economies over the world due to the inability of patients to work and their necessary reliance on government pensions. Even though CFS/ME/FM has been around for more than 30 years there still is no diagnostic test for it because not enough money is being spent on research. Patients with CFS/ME/FM around the world are waiting for a treatment and cure for this illness. Please sign this petition to increase worldwide funding for CFS/ME/FM. Please sign this petition to end psychological research into CFS/ME and to increase research into the biology of this illness so that real research progress can be made.