Working over Christmas in Centrepoint services

In light of the recent outrage in the press at care workers receiving flat-rate pay for working over Christmas (http://www.metro.co.uk/news/847922-staff-denied-christmas-overtime-bonus-because-it-would-discriminate), it is very clear that the majority of the public would expect to see worker's receive renumeration for the sacrifice of working during the festive holidays. We believe that Centrepoint should adopt a policy of recognising this service by rewarding those who do work over the holidays. Double-pay for Christmas Day and Boxing Day would not only incentivise staff (who are otherwise reluctant to be put on rotas and lose out on invaluable time with families), it would also serve as recognition of the fact that this duty is above and beyond what is asked of other staff who do not work in front-line, 24 hour services. This would bring consistency to treatment of staff (in line with double pay which is awarded to some staff previously employed by Stop Over) and reflect Centrepoint's core values of fairness, equality and promoting family life.