Bill Waterbury 0

Central Bucks SD Physical Education Future

8 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Bill Waterbury 0 Comments
8 people have signed. Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

The Central Bucks School District is considering to make significant changes to the physical education curriculum that to me will hurt our kids.

The school district is cutting the amount that kid’s will receive which is already mediocre by making it an elective. I encourage you to spread the word and if possible, even attend school board meetings to voice your concerns.


The more parents and community members that share a voice, the bigger the impact we will have in making sure kids get the type of education that will allow them to live the best lives they can!


Thanks for helping raise awareness and stopping these proposed changes from taking place. Share this petition with your friends please.


PLEASE sign this petition to STOP the school district from making these damaging and far reaching changes! 


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