Petition to Censure Representative Mike Caputo
To: Rep. John Boehner, Majority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives; Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader, U.S House of Representatives, TO WIT: WHEREAS Congressman Mike Caputo of Massachusetts has publicly called upon groups of persons to "get out in the streets and get a little bloody;" and, WHEREAS these remarks were made in response to specific events (e.g. the Public Employee Collective Bargaining controversy); and, WHEREAS this said controversy is a highly emotional issue which has prompted a condition wherein large numbers of opposing demonstrators are and will be present in proximity to each other, each group exercising its Constitutional right to freedom of assembly and petition; and, WHEREAS this said condition is potentially volatile; and, WHEREAS the said remarks might rationally be construed as\ incitement to riot; and, WHEREAS such incitement, offered by a less-privileged person, would render that person liable to arrest; then, THEREFORE, we voting citizens of the United States, mindful of Congressman Caputo's responsibility to "preserve the domestic tranquillity," a responsibility he has by the said public incitement willfuly abandoned, DO RESPECTFULLY PETITION THE LEADERSHIP OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to Censure Congressman Caputo in the strongest terms.