No Apartment Zoning next to Preston Hills & Carter Ranch

We are opposed to Apartment Zoning (up to 24 units per acre) on County Road 83 (Moore Property). We believe this zoning will decrease the property values of the adjacent subdivisions of Preston Hills & Carter Ranch and lower the tax base of the City of Celina.
We are told that the zoning change is speculative and no development is currently planned. If this is true then why is the zoning request being made now? It is being done now before single residences are constructed on the existing improved but vacant lots in Carter Ranch. Once the future tax paying citizens of Celina purchase and occupy the soon to be constructed residences in Carter Ranch, they will invariably be opposed to high density apartment housing adjacent to their homes. We should not blindly trust government and developers. Mr Moore will pay no more property taxes, since he will continue the "agricultural exemption" until the city approves building plans while our properties lose value and the city loses tax revenue from us. If development is not eminent, then zoning should follow the master plan which calls for single residences.