Celery Bog Good Neighbor Petition

Dear President Cordova, As members of the greater West Lafayette community, we are very disturbed by the February clear cutting of dead, dying, and live trees along the east side of the Celery Bog marsh authorized by Purdue golf course officials. The main reasons for our concern are that this action: 1.destroyed excellent habitat (perching, roosting, and nesting sites) for birds and other wildlife 2.removed the natural visual screen and sound buffer between the Purdue Kampen Golf Course and the Celery Bog Nature Area 3.was taken without seeking input from local experts knowledgeable in wetland habitat and its wildlife ecology The Celery Bog occupies a very special place in our community - as a public nature area, an environmental and educational center, and a birding and tourist attraction. Being a neighbor to such a unique area, Purdue has a responsibility to ensure that plans carried out by its golf course officials are sensitive to the needs of the wildlife in the area and the visiting public - the many walkers, birders, and others who come out to enjoy the peace and quiet and natural beauty of the marsh. However, Purdue\'s February action disregarded these needs. Though the damage from the cutting cannot be undone, Purdue can step up and be a better neighbor now and in the future. The community asks Purdue to ensure the inclusion of Purdue natural resources professionals, West Lafayette and Tippecanoe County Parks & Recreation Department professional staff, and other knowledgeable and concerned citizens in the development of a wetland recovery management plan for the eastern side of the marsh, and in any and all future decisions affecting the Celery Bog marsh. The community asks Purdue to ensure the adoption of the replanting recommendations for the eastern side of the marsh, made by people knowledgeable about the Celery Bog, marsh ecology and wildlife habitat at the recent March 27th meeting with Purdue Golf Superintendent Jim Scott. Following these recommendations would give golfers some views of \'open water\' while restoring some of the lost habitat and natural vegetative buffer for wildlife and visitors to the Celery Bog Nature Area. The community asks Purdue to ensure that the Celery Bog Naturalist, Mary Cutler, is given a copy of the replanting plan and updates about what is going to occur in this area so that she can make this information available to the general public and to the Friends of Celery Bog. The community would like to see Purdue renew its commitment to being a good neighbor and environmental steward of this community asset - the Celery Bog Nature Area. Yours Sincerely [Signatures follow] cc: Purdue Board of Trustees