Aleister Denven Unknown 0

Celebrate Holy-Day 7!

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Number 7 is "The Holiest" of All-numbers and days.Of "The 7 Days Of The Week" - "Saturday" is the holiest and most sacred of All days!

"The 7th Day" is "God's official holiday"."The 7th Day" is the day God rested after having created The World and Everyone and Everything in it.Celebrate only "Saturday" - "The 7th Day".Do not celebrate Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday or Sunday only "Saturday"!

Also do not celebrate Christmas,Halloween,Easter or April Fools's Day,because these are actually ancient pagan festivals.All-pagans are satanists and All-satanists are pagans!

I have uncovered something shattering:The name Santa Claus contains the name Satan in it!The name Satan is hidden in the name Santa Claus!If you take the name Santa Claus,remove the name Claus and then place the "n" letter in Santa at the end of Santa you get the name - Satan!

The Christmas holiday is a ruse to make people celebrate Satan!The people who celebrate Christmas are unknowingly celebrating Satan himself!The Christmas holiday was a lie from the very beginning.Christmas never truly existed!

Do not celebrate The Day Of The Dead nor Saint Patrick's Day nor The 4th Of July nor Arbor Day nor Labour Day and do not practice Voodoo,Sorcery,Witchcraft,Spells,Charms,Enchantments,Incantations,Invocations,Rituals, Summonings,Card Reading,Palm Reading,Moon Reading,Sun Reading,Star Reading,Divination,Meditation,Yoga or Ancestor Worship!

Do not worship Saint Mary and do not worship any Persons,Idols,Statues or Statuettes!

Do not worship Mother Nature nor The Earth itself!

Do not celebrate Mother's Day or Father's Day.Remember!We only have one father and he is in Heaven.Do not try to communicate with the dead and do not try to summon the dead!

Do not ever play with Ouija Boards.Ouija Boards are cursed!

Do not use Cosmetics and do not change/alter/modify your body.Remember your body is "The Temple Of God".If you desecrate your body,you also desecrate "The Temple Of God"!

Be ever-faithful to a sweetheart or remain a virgin forever.Abortion is very,very very bad!

Do not use Profanity,Cusswords or Foul Language.Love your Neighbour as you would love yourself.Do something nice for your Neighbour for free!

Do not eat Pigs,because pigs are an unclean animal.Do not eat human flesh.Do not eat or drink human or animal blood,but mix it with the soil of The Earth/Ground!

Don't do drugs,don't smoke cigarettes and don't drink alcohol!

Do not celebrate any other holiday or festival in The World;celebrate only Day 7.Celebrate Day 7 and give praise and glory to God/Jesus Christ!

I have named "The 7th Day":"The Day Of God"/"The Day Of Jesus Christ"!

I personally named this special day to give more glory to God/Jesus Christ!

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