John Doe 0


11 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
John Doe 0 Comments
11 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

The 27th Amendment to the Constitution restricts any Congress from changing its own pay. I am seeking signatures to amend the 27th amendment and put a cap of $50,000 a year salary for all congressmen. In addition to this salary for congress members should be stopped when a government shut-down has been put in place.  Members of Congress have not worked for the "people" over the past decade, why should they be paid. Congress members care more about themselves than the people they claim to be working for. Year after year they flood the public with misinformation as a way to keep American citizen ignorant about the truth. Republican and Democrats need to be held responsible for the downfall of our country and begin providing solutions to our nation's problems rather than fighting. As our country continues to evolve the traditional views of liberals and conservatives are no longer relevant. So the need to conform to the beliefs of one party should not matter. The only thing that should matter is "What is Right For Our Nation?" Until politicians begin doing the right thing all should have their pay stopped immediately.


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