Cease all investigations against Teo Soh Lung and Roy Ngerng

We the undersigned are gravely concerned by the ongoing police investigations into alleged breaches by Roy Ngerng and Teo Soh Lung of the Cooling Off Day rules.
We are disquieted by the seizure of their property from their homes, in particular without warrant, and the wholesale and indiscriminate archiving of broad swathes of their personal data. These excessive and intimidating measures are completely disproportionate to any harm alleged to have been caused by the actions of Ngerng and Teo.
To openly express a political view – including and especially views on party politics – is the fundamental right of every member of society. If we are to achieve a democratic society where legislators and the government are truly representative of the values and wishes of citizens, every individual must be free to fearlessly express their views of politicians, parties and electoral processes.
For an individual seeking to understand the Cooling Off Day regulations, the application of the prohibitions on individual conduct is not clear. Someone relying on the wording on the Elections Department website, which indicates an exemption for “the transmission of personal political views by individuals to other individuals, on a non-commercial basis, using the Internet, telephone or electronic means”, might reasonably conclude that their posts were exempt.
Given this ambiguity and the great importance of freedom of expression for individual citizens, it is wholly inappropriate for police investigations of such an intimidating and intrusive nature to take place. The main effect of this police action is to intensify a climate of fear that deters the frank discussion of political issues by all individuals – a discussion that our society both needs and deserves.
We note that there have been previous allegations of breaches of the Cooling Off Day rules by electoral candidates. Such conduct is far more likely to cause the harm to the electoral process which Cooling Off Day is designed to avert. Yet we are not aware of such draconian investigations made in those circumstances. A society which values the free exchange of political ideas must not apply more restrictive standards to ordinary citizens than to electoral candidates.
We call upon the state to ensure the immediate return of all confiscated property to Ngerng and Teo, the removal of any data obtained from them from state and police possession, and an immediate and total cessation of the investigative process.
Signed by:
- Abdul Salim Harun
- Adrian Heok
- Alex Sng
- Alexander Luciano Roberto
- Alfian Sa’at
- Alvina Khoo
- Ana Abdullah
- Ananth Tambyah
- Andre Goh
- Ang Chong Leong
- Annie Jael Kwan
- Ariffin Sha
- Ashukumar Veerapan
- Ashura Chia
- Azmi Monday
- Benjamin Matchap
- Benjamin Seet
- Bhavan Jaipragas
- Brendan Goh
- Brenton Wong
- Brian Yang
- Bryan Choong
- Cecilia Joven Ong
- Celine Lim
- Chang May Lian
- Chan Wai Han
- Chew Keng Chuan
- Chng Nai Rui
- Christine Sng Mechtler
- Chui Yong Jian
- Dan Koh
- Dana Lam
- Darius Zee
- Daryl Yang
- David Lee
- Dinah Sim
- Dolly Peh
- Edmund Wee
- Edward Eng
- Edwina Shaddick
- Elisa Kang
- Emily Lim
- Erica Chung
- Esther Kong
- Fadli Bin Fawzi
- Fadly Razali
- Farhan C. Idris
- Fenwick Melville
- Fong Hoe Fang
- Gina Lim
- Godwin Koay
- Goh Chok Chai Ricky
- Ho Choon Hiong
- Hong Weizhong
- Irene Oh
- Ivan Heng
- Jackie Heng Lim
- Jamal Ismail
- James Weng Hong Lam
- Jason Soo
- Jeremy Tiang
- Jocelyn Teo
- Johannes Hadi
- Jolene Tan
- Jolovan Wham
- Jony Ling
- Joo Hymn Tan
- Joshua Chiang
- Keith Tan
- Kenneth Lin
- Kokila Annamalai
- Kuan Wee
- Lee Yi Ting
- Li Xie
- Lim Jialiang
- Lim Kay Siu
- Lim Xiuhui
- Linda Ong
- Lionel Deng
- Lisa Li
- Lita Patricio
- Loo Zihan
- Low Yit Leng
- Lucas Ho
- Lukas Godfrey
- Lynn Lee
- Mansura Sajahan
- Mark Wong De Yi
- Matilda Gabrielpillai
- Megan Boey Sean Ching
- Melvin Wong
- Merv Tan
- Miak Siew
- Morgan Awyong
- M Ravi
- Muhammad Faliqh Rahman
- Muhd Firdaus
- Nathanael Tan
- Neo Swee Lin
- Ng Guohui Nigel
- Ng Yi-Sheng
- Niki Ng
- Nina Chabra
- Ong Sooi Eng
- Pak Geok Choo
- Rachel Zeng
- Robyn Yzelman
- Roy Tan
- Sam Lim
- Sam Ong
- Sathiya Moorthy
- Sean Francis Han
- Semangeline Teo
- Sha Jumani Basari
- Shelley Thio
- Shimin Wong
- Shirleen Chong
- Siauw Chong
- Siew Kum Hong
- Smith Adrian Jude
- Sonny Liew
- Stephanie Chok
- Stephen Baldy Ho
- Tan Elice
- Tan Pin Pin
- Tan Tee Seng
- Tan Zong Xuan
- Tay Kheng Soon
- Teng Qianxi
- Teng Yong Ping Daryl
- Terry Xu
- Thum Ping Tjin
- Timothy Todd
- Trevor Chan
- Valence Sim
- Vanessa Ho
- Vivian Wang
- Wendy Chan
- Wong Souk Yee
- Yap Ching Wi
- Yap Hon Ngian
- Yee Kai
- Zee Wong
- Zulkarnain Hassan