STOP Marijuana Dispensary from opening near Chavez HS:

We, the undersigned residents, oppose the location of a
Cannabis Dispensary in our neighborhood and respectfully request the Stockton
Planning Commission and the Stockton City Council consider extending the Moratorium
Prohibiting The Creation of Medical Marijuana Dispensaries in the City of
Stockton or, failing that, at least not allowing any Cannabis
Dispensaries to open within a 5 mile radius of any public or private school
in Stockton. Furthermore, we vehemently
oppose the proposal to open a Cannabis Dispensary at 3626 Telstar Dr.,
Stockton as hundreds of Chavez HS students pass through this area to and from
We further request that careful police monitoring be done regularly on any
existing cannabis dispensaries. Rising gang activity, public substance abuse
violations involving marijuana usage as well as public alcohol consumption
along with other incidents of serious crime activity provide challenges for
many of our neighborhoods and our young people.
We are opposed to cannabis dispensaries being considered near our
Stockton schools (5 mile radius) as they would undermine the safety and well
being of our students and their families.
We request that a Public Notice be sent to any resident and or business within a 5 mile radius of any application filed to locate a Medical Cannabis Dispensary in Stockton, CA, affording impacted residents and business owners the opportunity to provide public comment in opposition to any proposed dispensaries.