CCHS Save The Tradition of Skirt/Skort

Please join us in our efforts to SAVE THE SKIRTS AT CATHEDRAL CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL by signing our petition below and let the students voices be heard! Below are some of the issues regarding the ban for your review before making a decision. Thank you!
Parents are requesting a Town Hall meeting to meet with CCHS administration to discuss the issues. All efforts to discuss with CCHS administration have been denied
1. Cathedral Catholic High School Mission:
“Campus Ministry aims to collaborate with students, parents, faculty, staff, administrators, and pastors to reach this goal” With students and parents being listed first, it is implied that their collaboration is of the highest importance. The school administration completely disregarded its own mission statement. No collaboration or involvement from the parents has happened and all requests to discuss are unilaterally being dismissed and denied. Instead of bringing this issue directly to the parents, the principal used his power to enforce his will and not the will of those paying the bills or the students who are not comfortable with the decision.
2. Sexism:
The reason behind the ban is outright sexist. Any teacher who finds the skirts or discussions around skirt length embarrassing are sexualizing minors. It’s victim blaming. “I feel uncomfortable doing my job, so your behavior must change.”
3. Gender Identity Expression:
The uniform is not gender neutral, it is forcing girls to wear something that is male and represents a gender identity that makes them uncomfortable. We are not a gender neutral or one sexed school. A skirt is not a fashion statement; it is a uniform that girls wear. By banning the skirt, girls are being denied the right to have differentiate themselves from their male counterparts.
4. Patriarchy:
Parallel to the current controversy in our country denying woman to choose what happens to their bodies, there are not female voices of leadership in the room making the decision or listening. The administrative leaders are primarily male. This is probably what led to the imposition of a male standard on their female students. Both genders should be heard, respected and given choices that coincide with their own gender. Women do not want to be shamed for looking like woman. Decisions should be made with the best interest for each student’s psychological well being.
5. Body image/Self Esteem:
Body image at the age of 13-18 year olds is a sensitive issue that can create emotional turmoil. It is our responsibility as parents and leaders to protect and support our children’s self esteem to the best of our ability. Not all females are created the same. Women are more shapely and have hips, pants highlight this and make women with larger hips feel uncomfortable and affect their self image. Skirts are more forgiving for many body types and a woman has a right to wear clothing that makes her feel comfortable and feminine . The option of pants will could include form fitting pants (especially n the khaki color will be revealing) can generate more “uncomfortable” statements that "male faculty" are using as the reason to ban skirts. Per Principal Calkin "Male faculty feels uncomfortable addressing female students about the length of their skirts" Pants have been an option for female students, however less than 2% wear them due to the aforementioned.
6. Enforce a Dress Code:
Cathedral has not been consistent in enforcing a dress code. They implemented a policy named “Restoration vs Detention”. Evidently this is not working for them. The administration keeps stating that thousand of detentions have been given where this policy posted on the Cathedral Catholic website states exactly the opposite. The tradition of the skirt being part of catholic uniforms has existed since 1940. Clearly the issue of not enforcing and not being able to maintain a consistent dress code at Cathedral Catholic needs to be explored and rectified.
7.Financial Cost:
Students will have to purchase new uniforms for all of one year remaining at CCHS. This is an additional financial burden with rising tuition costs for 2019/2020 school year as well as impending college application fees and college tuition around the corner. The used uniform sale benefits families that do not have additional disposable income for uniforms each year. The pants the school is suggesting are expensive and with such a variety of pant styles will not look uniform.
Suggested Solutions:
A. Wear shorts under skirt or wear a skort
B. consequence for uniform infractions. First strike- Detention Second strike: Detention, meeting with dean and a parent Third strike- Student has to wear pants for remainder of year.
C. Create a student counsel. Have students involved in the process of keeping the dress codes adhered too.