Phoebe Hearst 0

CCC Dissolution

50 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Phoebe Hearst 0 Comments
50 people have signed. Add your voice!
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Adam B. signed just now

To: John Vest

General Manager

Castlewood Country Club

Re: Proposed Asset/Ownership Transfer Bay Club

Castlewood Country Club’s not-for-profit 501c organizational structure provides intrinsic value to its equity membership.

The recently proposed transfer of land assets and club ownership to the Bay Club has the potential to dramatically alter this value on a going forward basis.

Furthermore, the CCC BOD’s decision to endorse such a transaction was wholly premature and has resulted in our reasonable concern that this proposal is being pushed forward too quickly to allow for a thorough vetting with the membership.

We therefore request that a Special Meeting be scheduled to discuss the full ramifications of the Bay Club proposal prior to any membership vote on this issue.

Please note that only names of CCC voting CCC members, in good standing will be admissible. Any disguised names or persons with non-voting rights will be removed from petition.

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