Cat Rock Park - Drabbington Way Parking Issue

The parking lot at the end of Drabbington Way in Weston is being overrun.
The parking issue began a couple years ago when a local Boston news article was published highlighting Cat Rock Park as a desirable place for dog walkers. Since the article was published, a large number of mostly out of town dog owners have been entering the neighborhood and parking along Drabbington Way to walk their dogs in Cat Rock Park.
Why is this a problem?
- Mostly on the weekends, the parking lot fills up and then non residents park along the street in front of resident houses
- Cars idle on the street (causing traffic jams) waiting for a spot in the parking lot to open up
- Many cars speed
- Residents are consistently being approached by non residents seeking permission to park in their driveways
- Many Weston residents have stopped using the park on the weekends due to the parking situation
We are asking for your support to make the parking lot at the end of Drabbington Way a residents only parking lot on the weekends. This will help keep the traffic volume down and ensure Weston residents have access to this resource. We plan to ask the Weston Town Government to implement a resident sticker system (like the Kendal Green sticker system) to help fix this parking issue. Please sign this petition and show your support.