Castration for sex offenders
Push legislation to impose a bill that allows chemical castration for all sexual offenders in all states. Rapist make opportunities to molest , to rape and they find a way. Many obtain a way by marrying who has children,many by being in some type of job that deals with children. 95 percent know their attacker. 1in 4 girls & 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused by the age of 18. Nearly 70 percent are under 17 and the most common is under 1 yr. of age. 1/2 of all convicted sex offenders are sent back to prison with in 2 yrs . Only about 10 percent of violent offenders with child victims get life or death sentences. The usual time for the most violent sex offender is only 11 yrs. The argument against castration is that the offenders rights are violated and it's cruel and unusual punishment. What about the rights of the victim. I think raping a child and murdering it tends to be cruel and unusual punishment. Is it against a sex offender's right to be castrated? Where were the childs rights when the offender was molesting someone's poor, defenseless child and stealing their innocence? But the offender has rights? Something is wrong here!! Since 89.2% of sex offenders re-offend, they should be castrated before they're let back out into society. That'll make them think twice before raping a child! After the 1st time, castration should be in order. Cruel or not, adults shouldn't be allowed a simple slap on the hand with a little prison time. They need to be stopped permanently!