Castlemartyr Resort Golf Fees
Castlemartyr Golf Members 0

Castlemartyr Resort Golf Fees

Castlemartyr Golf Members 0 Comments
124 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

Fellow Golfers,

The Proposed Fees for Castlemartyr Golf Resort 2018 are as follows:

Gents: Full €1,100 before 31st December €1,250 after January 1st

Gents 5 Day €700 before 31st December €900after January 1st

Seniors €800 before 31st December €900 after January 1st

Now the €100 for the clubhouse is also being withdrawn and is now included as part of the membership fee, this is not going to encourage any member to use or promote the facility.

This equates to over 20% increase in fees alone

The belief within the club now is that there is going to be a large loss of members and both club and facility are going to suffer because of the reduced revenue within the golfing complex.

As the members club has grown in strength over the past few years they and have always been proud and 100% in supporting and promoting the resort. A lot of hard work, hours of voluntary time and dedication has been put in to get the club to where it is today, however the all that is being put into jeopardy by fully paid employees with no thought process behind this fee increase.

We must minimise any damage to our club, as it appears suggestions are being ignored or falling on deaf ears.

Please support this petition in our quest to save our club.

Yours in Golf

A Very Concerned Member

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