Carletha Stewart - Served Her Time

I am writing on behalf of my best friend Carletha Ann Stewart who is serving 28 years of her 25 to life sentence for her participation in the Bob’s Big Boy murders. This endeavor has been a difficult one, one that has me procrastinating searching for the right words. To be honest there are no right words. I say this because I do feel and pray for the families that have lost their loved ones; those to death and those to incarceration. By no means do I intend to disrespect anyone by asking for Carletha’s release. At this time it is not a matter of guilt or innocence; it is about time served. Some may ask who am I to want my best friend out of prison. I am here to say that I have stuck by her side to the best of my ability throughout her incarceration; this includes letters and visits. When Carletha and I reconnected at her present location, I felt as if we were back in high school and here walks in this crazy, sexy and beautiful person I know and miss on a constant basis. Many of us don’t like to admit our loneliness. We go on about our daily lives out in public as if we don’t have a care in the world, but when we get home behind closed doors the loneliness can become overwhelming. I can say that I had two best friends whom I’ve lost; Carletha and Bobbie Hobson who died of a heart attack at an early age. There are common things you do with your best friend, I can’t – phones calls, shopping, watching kids grow, finances and of course men. I do realize I am not alone in missing my friend. The families don’t get to do these things either (as I continue to pray for them). But I am fighting for Carletha who made a mistake and has served her time. As I defend my position on her release I am defending someone who has shown an exemplary record while incarcerated and will continue to do so if released. Listed below (not all) is a chronological listing of her commendations while incarcerated:
· 1983 Certificate of Appreciation for Minister of God
· 1985 Fundraiser for World Vision
· 1986 Commendation for working as an X-ray Technician for Dr. Ross, DDS
· 1989 Breaking Barriers Facilitator (Breaking Barriers is a Self Esteem, Goal Setting and Motivation course)
· 1994 Commendation from Judge L. Sprinkles for **U-Turn (At Risk Program for Individuals) Judge Sprinkles brought a group of individuals to the prison as part of their sentencing for illegal behavior. He was so impressed with what Carletha had to share and say Carletha received a commendation for her hard work and how he felt she made such an impact on the individuals turning their lives around.
· 1994 Graduate of Patton University (received 60 units in Theology)
· 1995 Commendation from Kings County Probation Department (deterring at risk individuals through the U-Turn Program)
· 1996 Commendation from
· 1998 Commendation from Joint Venture for Saving an Inmates Life (CPR)
· 2003 Job Offer upon Parole from Joint Venture Program
· 2004 Scholarship from
· 2006 Alternative to Violence Graduate (Facilitator)
· 2008 Selected as a Beyond Incarceration Panel Member
· 2008 Voted in Second Term as the Long Termers’ Organization Chairperson
· 2010 Certificate of Dedication to the Beyond Incarceration Program
· 2010 Certificate of Recognition by Warden Lattimore (for positive leadership over the general population)
· 2010 Commendation for Designing GOSO (Get Out Stay Out) Workshop
· 2010 Commendation for Facilitating the GOSO Workshop and training 12 other inmates
· 2011 AA Degree in General Studies (Social & Behavioral Science)
· 2011 Accepted to the SOAR (Step Out Approved & Renewed) Prison Fellowship Transformational Ministries
**U-TURN PROGRAM (from Carletha) In the early 90’s I wanted to give back to the community and prevent someone from coming to prison so I sat down and wrote by-laws which would be used to govern a self-help program here at the institution and I would name it U-Turn. By laws are actually a laid out format and rules to activate a group within the institution. The Warden approved the group, which allows at risk individuals into the institution in a designated location to talk to them and deter them from a life of crime by sharing our stories sort of like Scared Straight only a respected version with a powerful impact. The U-turn received lots of media attention in the early to middle 90’s for its powerful impact in changing people’s lives.
On my last visit to see Carletha (courtesy of Get On The Bus and the State of