Carbon Neutral Building at Stonehill College
In signing this petition, I, ____________________, encourage the college to commit to carbon-neutral design for all future buildings and remodels of currently-existing buildings on campus. In addition, I, _______________, pledge to make strides to lower my own carbon footprint.
*Below is a longer explanation about what a carbon neutral building is and why it is important to our campus*
A carbon-neutral building at Stonehill College is a progressive step towards a greener future; the dictionary defines a carbon-neutral building as one that produces no net release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Lowering the overall carbon footprint of the campus will point students and faculty in the right direction away from fossil fuels and high carbon emissions. A carbon neutral building is not only an investment in a greener campus and environment, it also would assist in financial benefits, and to also help attract a larger range of future students. A building on campus has multiple components that contributes to its carbon footprint. For example, oil for heating, gas for hot water, and electricity for lights and projectors. Each of these components is capable of being run fully carbon neutral. One of the most effective techniques for reducing the carbon footprint from a building is through the installation of solar panels. Solar panels, partnered with large batteries that can contain the energy captured from the panels, are capable of running all of the electrical facilities in the building. In fact, roughly 48% of Stonehill’s power is generated from the solar panels at the farm and over Lot 17. Other colleges like Stonehill are also making strides towards carbon neutrality. For example, St. Michael’s College has reduced its carbon footprint across campus by 13.4% from 2003-2011, despite adding 5 new buildings across campus. This is a clear sign towards more efficient buildings, something that this campus is also capable of doing.