Reduce Light Pollution at Car Dealer lots

Car dealers are one of the worst offenders of light pollution both for glare and uplighting. More on light pollution can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Light_pollution Light pollution harms all forms of plants, animals, fish and yes even us! Car dealers reply to our requests for responsible lighting with the comment that it is not their fault. It is a requirement of their insurance companies to flood the lots with white light as it would provide a more true colour rendition for catching indivisuals who choose to vandal vehicles in the lot. There are many options for lighting which will direct the light down to the ground where we want it and have the added benefit of requiring less wattage, less cost, more environmentally friendly, and more pleasing to potential car buyers. See some sample car dealer lots in the Fredericton area at this facebook link - facebook not required to view the images: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151400124891713.1073741828.567566712&type=1&l=a569a29954