Wireless Highspeed Internet for Cape Breton - South
There is growing demand for High-speed internet services in the rural regions of Inverness and Richmond counties, that have not been met by our current service providers. A new solution is now available known as wireless broadband internet. This technology has 3-times the service area over current high-speed solutions and is 182 times faster than dial-up. This solution can be provided to the area once our elected representatives realize how many of our constituents and businesses need this service and take steps to implement the infrastructure nessesary for this project. Please support this cause and add your name to the growing list. Our goal is to have at least 200 names represented. The proposed area to be serviced could include Districts 5,7&8 in Richmond county; District 6 and part of 4 in Inverness County. More information is available by request. Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments on this service. Thank you for your support. NOTE: Please include your community in the petition below so that we may determine where coverage is needed. Robert Organ rorgan@hotmail.com