Deseret News: Dump Editor Joseph Cannon!
We the undersigned members of the human race take it as a natural affront to see that Joseph A Cannon is still the Editor of the Deseret News and petition for his dismissal on the following grounds: 1. Mr. Cannon was in a position to expose the Pedophile Garn back in 2001-2002 and thus protect the citizens of Utah from an admitted sex-offender, but did not. 2. Mr. Cannon failed as editor of the Deseret News to call for Pedophile Garn's resignation and prosecution by law enforcement, thus, further endangering our communities. 3. Mr. Cannon was an political ally of now convicted Felon, Jack Abramoff, and failed as an editor to report with any accuracy, his or his brother's involvement with the Indian Casino scam. 4. Mr Cannon also failed to report on his brother's involvement with convicted Felon, David Safavian, and the poison pill Mr. Cannon introduced into legislation that would have made internet gambling illegal. 5. Mr. Cannon failed to disclose that his brother's campaign loan of 1.3 million dollars disappeared after he shut down an discrimination complaint filed against Farmers Insurance. 6. Mr. Cannon is a known Neo-con. 7. Mr. Cannon has no moral authority, having separated 85 million dollars from Geneva steel before taking it into bankruptcy. Then, turning the 90% underfunded Pension Plan over to the Federal Government and taxpayer money. 8. Mr. Cannon, as a lobbyist, signed a sworn oath to uphold and fully support the Homosexual Agenda. Therefore: We respectively request that you remove him as Editor and Board Member of the Deseret Newspaper and find one that actually shares the values of your readers.