1.5 Million Candles For GAZA!
Samer Alahmed 0

1.5 Million Candles For GAZA!

96 signers. Add your name now!
Samer Alahmed 0 Comments
96 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

1.5 Million Candles for Gaza 1.500.000 people on 362 km2 and 3.320 humans per km2 the WORLD\'S LARGEST PRISON! Gaza is isolated from the rest of the world, one and half million people lives in a 362 km2 jail, and is being oppressed, and now they have to live with out electricity and heat, why Because Israel ones again wanna punish them, they choose to act on Hamas rockets into Israel by punishing 1.500.000 people (children, women and men). And all this has no consequences for Israel, but this has to stop, it cannot continue. Today we, private persons all over the world, are starting an international campaign against the siege in Gaza We will lighten 1.500.000 Candles over the world, one for each person in Gaza, and upload pictures of these lights on the web-log, every one are welcome to join. Start acting today and make candles for Gaza demonstration in your country, write Gaza with the lights, take picture of action, and send it to us with the name of your country on the following mail address: CandlesForGaza@live.nl Please click below to sign the petition, when we reaches 1.500.000 we will send the petition with all the pictures, to all the governments, we have signatures from. One signature for every citizen in Gaza! One light for every citizen in Gaza! Please pass this on to all your friends, this is not about Israel or about Hamas, this is about one and half million human lives. STOP THE SEIGE ON GAZA! Thank you, Campaign Team


Palestinian Youth Network http://pal-youth.org



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