Petition to Cancel The Simpsons
It has become evident to me that The Simpsons is not what it once was. Many fans will disagree with this, and I understand. I grew up watching this show, but now it is a mockery of what it once was. New episodes do not even make me grin. It is full of cheap laughs, completely idiotic \"jokes\" (such as when Bart says something along these lines ... \"I\'m so angry I\'m going to hit the carpet with a hammer!\" and then proceeds to do so), and pathetic guest \"stars\" (Tony Hawk comes to mind). The old Simpsons episodes were nothing like this. They were timeless classics and I believe that in order to ensure that they remain so, the show must either be cancelled or reformed (hire new writers). The death of Socrates is a good example. What if he would have confessed to all his \"crimes\" in order to get out of punishment Would he still be respected Of course not. He died nobly to deny his accusers the satisfaction of making him succumb. And so although this is but a TV show, it is without question the greatest TV in history and I fear that if this butchery is not ended soon it will not remain so.