Cancel Carson Daly
This is a petition to finally rid the world of the talentless, humorless, mindless, douche bag that has been plaguing American culture for the last decade... Carson Daly. Lord knows he's done his huge part to slowly decay the minds of teenagers and dimwitted adults alike. But now his assholery has reached new peaks. He has crossed the writer's picket line in a selfish act to save his sewer-rotten, unfunny, shitty late night show from being extinct (as if he and his writers weren't already doing a good job of ruining it themselves). The despicable Carson Daly should finally be cancelled. I ask, each and everyone of you, please find it in your hearts to save future generations of America and send a strong message to the world that shows like "The Last Call for Carson Daly" is not an acceptable form of any kind of entertainment, that we are above that, that even YouTube videos are above that. We deserve better. Please sign this petition and make sure this overtired, overplayed hack of a human being gets sent back to the rich, sheltered suburban cave he was bred from. Out like Carson Daly's style, The Carson Hater