Support the Building of the Canadian Memorial Wall of Names
Anne Forsyth 0

Support the Building of the Canadian Memorial Wall of Names

196 signers. Add your name now!
Anne Forsyth 0 Comments
196 signers. Almost there! Add your voice!
Maxine K. signed just now
Adam B. signed just now

On June 16th, 2011, Bill C-229, an Act to establish a NationalMemorial Wall for all ofCanada’s fallen soldiers and peacekeepers, had a first reading and your support is neededto ensure it gets passed!

The journey to builda National Memorial Wall of Names began over 10 years agowith the vision ofan87 year old WW2 CanadianVeteran, who served in Northwest Europe with the 4th Armoured Division R.C.E.M.E. from Normandy to Germany.

When the war ended he and many of his fellow Veterans were unable to visit the graves of their Fallen comrades because the cemeteries had not been established and bodies not reburied. So they left the countries and returned home without being able to pay respects and got on with finishing school, learning a trade, getting jobs and raising families.

Many years later he was able to return to visit the graves of Fallen comrades and in visiting many cemeteries he experienced how difficult it would be for next of kin to visit the graves of their loved ones. This must have been impossible for many and very distressing for spouses and parents.

In addition, before 1970, Canadian law required that those who died serving in our wars and Peacekeeping duties must be buried in the countries where they fell. While these remains can never be repatriated, their names and memories can be.

Over 105,000 of our fallen were left buried in foreign lands, mostly during the two world wars. They were buried in seventy-three countries, in over 5,800 war and church cemeteries, and many were lost at sea or have no known place of burial at all.

Currently there is no National Memorial in Canada reconizing the full magnitude of the sacrifices made to protect our rights and freedoms. The cenotaphs in towns and villages across Canada provide a place for services of Remembrance on November 11th. They recognize the local heros that served, both Veterans and the Fallen. These, however,do not provide a true perspective on the number whodied in serviceand will continue sacrifice their lives for all of us.

A proper memorial, in Canada, honouring the names of our Fallen is needed for them and the time is now. The memorial wall of names will allow Canadian citizens and visitors the opportunity to comprehend the full magnitude of the sacrifices thathave been and continue to bemade to protect Canada's rights and freedoms.

You can help to make the Canadian Memorial Wall of Names a reality by signing this petition today and encouraging others to do the same.

Thank you for your support and for helping ensure thatall of Canada'sFallen are recognized and remembered for all of time.


The Memorial Wall of Names Foundation


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