canada goose petition
Canada goose company uses real coyote fur on their jackets . It is like a hummer basically because it is unnecessary,irresponsible not to mention excessive. It is also inhumane for the coytotes. The coytotes doe trying to set themselves free from the traps they are caught inand they die from lack of water&food as well as blood loss and hypothermia. Sometimes the coyote becomes so incredibly desperate they break teeth trying to chew off their own limbs in hopes of escaping. Nothing about those traps are humane despite their claims stating they are humane towards the coyotes. It needs to stop now . There are plenty of other very very warm winter ja cleats that either do not use fur or do not use real fur but instead use faux fur which is a wonderful and just as good alternative to real fur. Please sign my petition and help change things for the better. Help the coyotes.