Campaign for more two seater toddler trolleys at Sainsbury's Pinner

Shopping with two little ones is hard enough, but it is made harder at Sainsbury's Pinner. Once you have eventually found a parking space, you then have the added challenge of finding a 'kids' trolley which is suitable if you have more than one child under the age of 3. If you have a toddler and a baby (over 6 mths who can sit in an upright seat and is too big for a reclined baby seat) you have the issue of trying to find a two seater trolley. Many supermarkets provide trolleys for this age group but Pinner Sainsbury's is a parents nightmare. Firstly they store all their 'kids' trolleys way down the side of their store, away from the parent&baby car spaces and secondly they only have 3 two seater 'toddler' trolleys, but about 30 two seater baby seat trolleys (I doubt there are 30 sets of twins in Pinner who go shopping at the same time!). Please 'sign' this petition so we can make the management at Pinner Sainsbury's aware that we have an issue with their lack of toddler trolleys. Many of us have complained but nothing has been done and it is time for change. Please spread the word and get your mummy/daddy friends to sign too.