CAMFT Must Take a Stand Against Proposition 8
As conditions of our continuing membership in the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT), we, the undersigned, call upon CAMFT to do the following: * Articulate a formal position in favor of marriage rights for same-sex couples at the meeting of the Board of Directors on January 9-11, 2009; * Publicly express support for legal efforts to overturn Proposition 8; * File an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court to support these legal efforts; * Address the membership on its future intentions regarding this issue. We are in full support of the letter that will be sent to CAMFT on January 1st, 2009 (full text available under "Links" on this page) that further outlines our position. We are committed to terminating our memberships if CAMFT does not fully and adequately address this issue. We hope that you would be willing to sign your name (and not check "anonymous") so that CAMFT sees that this is supported by real people. Though it isn't required, we would like to have your email address so that we can keep you informed of any developments in this effort. Please note: Your email will NOT be displayed on this petition, nor will it be shared.