Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood need to be fixed!

We, gamers are very happy that Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood give us so much fun on single- and multiplayer game, beautiful environments and top quality graphics but we're sad that there's some major problems which must be fixed. This is the list of these major problems: 1. Anti-Cheat for Multiplayer game 2. Dedicated servers 3. Visibility of full servers (adding filter option to server list) 4. Class balance 5. More server options (server name, clan tag and password setup) 6. Chat when dead or when spectator 7. Chrome Level Editor and more maps 8. Modding tools Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is a great title with big potential. Please, don't waste work of so many people just because some bugs that are vastly aggravating the game.