Call up Mike Hessman to the MLB!!!
Mike Hessman is 37 years old. He is nearing the end of his professional baseball career, or minor league career, if you will. He has tied the record for the most home runs ever in AAA and will soon break it, which proves how powerful of a hitter he can be, but shows that he has not gotten much time to play in the show. With the Detroit Tigers announcing they will be in full-on sell (or reboot) mode, they have practically thrown in the towel on this disappointing season. However, with Detroit's playoff hopes very unlikely, they can still provide a spark in one man's heart by calling up Mike. With the recent addition (and demotion) of Marc Krauss, a guy that was hitting .142 in the majors this year, you have to imagine that whatever small amount of energy that is left in the bat of Mike Hessman has to be enough to outhit Krauss, and likely even Alex Avila. Give this guy one more chance. Let him live his dream once more! Follow @allhailhessman on Twitter and tweet using the hashtag #callupmikehessman