Cause For Change And Democratic Governance in The Gambia

President Yaya Jammeh of the Gambia recently ordered the execution of nine inmates in the Gambia Mile 2 Prison even after global outrage and pleas from human right organizations such as amnesty international asking him not to do so. Among the nine were two foreign nationals including a woman, one mentally deranged prisoner, at least four prisoners of conscience. This action is the latest of Yaya Jammeh's compendium of extra judicial killings and summary executions. His malicious and heavy handedness has left so many victimized either being killed or maimed for life. Few such huge losses for Gambia were the burning to ash of Koro Ceesay, the then finance minister, and newsmen Deyda Hydara and Chief Manneh. He spare not even school children whose only crime was demanding a better educational system. In April 2000, a number of young innocent school children were gunned down at point blank by security forces on Jammeh's order. In contrast to both national and international norms and practices, Yaya Jammeh flatly refused to set up a commission of enquiry to look into these killings and tortures.
Gambians suffered tremendously under Yaya's Jammeh's presidency in every facet of life for the past seventeen years. The economy is at doldrums, human rights records at an abysmal ebb, and above all the misappropriation of state resources to entrenched Yaya's grip on power through various forms of terror, maiming of his opponents. We the Gambian people and friends ofThe Gambia hereby demand the following from all civilized nations particularly The United States of American, The European Union, The African Union, ECOWAS, The Common Wealth Countries the following lines of actions:
1. IMPOSE a travel ban on President YAYA JAMMEH, his Family, and the top ranking members of HIS government.
2. FREEZE ALL ASSETS belonging to him, his Family members and all TOP ranking members of his government.
3. Targetted non-Humanitarian Economic Sanctions on the
government of President Yaya Jammeh.