James Lyons-Weiler


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James Lyons-Weiler
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We the undersigned, representing a diverse coalition of concerned individuals from the scientific, medical, and ethical communities, unite with a shared commitment to prioritize public health, safety, and ethical integrity. We present this petition to urgently call for a universal ban on international Gain-of-Function (GoF) research on respiratory pathogens.

Rationale for a Universal Ban:

1. Safety Imperative: GoF research on respiratory pathogens has a deeply troubling history of safety breaches, laboratory accidents, and fatal outcomes. The paramount concern is the protection of human life and the prevention of potential catastrophic releases.

2. Ethical and Moral Responsibility: We recognize our ethical and moral responsibility to ensure that research is conducted with the highest standards of accountability and transparency. GoF research has raised profound ethical questions and demands a thorough reevaluation.

3. Global Health Security: The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the fact that the risks posed by GoF research transcend borders. We must act collectively to mitigate these risks and ensure global health security in ways that secure and protect personal liberty and individual rights.

4. Unacceptable Risks vs. Benefits: The potential for accidental releases of highly pathogenic respiratory pathogens far outweighs any perceived benefits of GoF research. The inherent risks are simply unacceptable.

5. Transparency and Accountability: Research institutions and governments must demonstrate unwavering transparency and accountability in handling of potentially dangerous pathogens. An international ban would encourage the adoption of robust safety measures and oversight mechanisms.

6. International Collaboration: International collaboration in the fight against infectious diseases is essential. A universal ban on GoF research can foster global cooperation without compromising safety.

7. Crimes Against Humanity: Given the massive cost of the release or escape of deadly respiratory pathogens, both intentional and accidental release or escape of modified respiratory pathogens must be seen as crimes against humanity.

Our Commitment:

We, the undersigned, commit to the following actions:

1. Personal accountability: We call upon all individual scientists involved in GoF research on respiratory pathogens to immediately cease their work.

2. Funding freeze: We call for an immediate, worldwide ban on GoF research on respiratory pathogens for any reason.

3. Support for Ethical Research: Encourage ethical scientists to pursue research that enhances our understanding of pathogens without compromising safety or public health via GoF research.

4. Journal Editors' Responsibility: We urge journal editors to refuse endorsement or publication of research related to gain-of-pathogenicity and transmissibility of respiratory pathogens.

5. Global Cooperation: We advocate for governments worldwide to enact and enforce an absolute ban on GoF research on respiratory pathogens and codify sanctions against those who refuse to comply.

6. Political Action: We urge the people of the earth to support public office service from representatives committed to public safety against lab-origin pathogens and urge political leaders to prioritize this issue.

7. Penalties: We urge lawmakers to enact laws making GoF research on respiratory pathogens leading to their escape or release crimes against humanity punished by humane but lifetime exclusion from conduct of research and/or imprisonment determined by the severity of the consequences of acting against the ban by funding, conducting, or failing to report the conduct of GoF research on respiratory pathogens.




DR. SIN HAN LEE, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)., FCAP - http://dnalymetest.com/

On Sun, Dec 31, 2023 at 12:27 PM Peter A. McCullough <peteramccullough@gmail.com> wrote:

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