What would you do if you could no longer get or afford medication for your pet?? This has become a reality for California residents due to the highly restrictive regulations put into effect by the California Board of Pharmacy.
What this means to California pet owners and veterinarians:
- The cost of medication will increase substantially because of expensive and unnecessary testing
- To avoid excess testing costs, some compounders are substituting less-than-desirable bases in their preparations
- Some forms of medications have been made unavailable
- This has caused smaller pharmacies to even close permanently
"HOW CAN I MAKE A DIFFERENCE"? On April 18th, 2017 the CA Board of Pharmacy is having their board hearing and it is open to the public. We ask if you are in the Sacramento area please attend to voice your concerns and opinions. You can also call the board at 916-574-7900 or write them at: CA Board of Pharmacy, 1625 N. Market Blvd., Suite N219, Sacramento, CA. 95834. Or contact your local legislator http://www.legislature.ca.gov/
Please use the link below to access CA Board of Pharmacy regulations.