URGENT! Support Cafe Patachou & Napolese Expansion

Dear Meridian Kessler Neighbors and Cafe Patachou Patrons, Cafe Patachou proprietor, Martha Hoover, needs our support! Cafe Patachou and the new restaurant, Napolese (a gourmet Neopolitan-style pizzeria) are seeking a permit for outdoor cafe seating along both 49th and Pennsylvania Streets. These plans will enhance our neighborhood by offering upscale yet casual family dining within walking distance of our homes. Unfortunately, there are some very loud voices opposing these plans. The opponents fear these sophisticated eating establishments, if granted outdoor seating and allowed to serve beer and wine, will turn 49th and Penn into a "Broadripple bar scene." Additional fears by the opposition include more traffic, not enough parking, and pedestrian injury (especially children's safety when walking or biking) Quite the contrary! Meridian Kessler is extremely fortunate to have Martha Hoover's superb culinary institutions as part of our neighborhood. These locally owned eateries help beautify our quaint neighborhood while stimulating our palates. Cafe Patachou and Napolese are solid investments for the Meridian Kessler neighborhood and their presence improves our home values. Meridian Kessler is an active urban not suburban neighborhood. There will always be traffic and limited parking. People in this neighborhood bike and walk. Bikers, joggers, and walkers must be extra cautious no matter what street they are traveling on. Recognizing that change is difficult for some, the numerous benefits of this expansion far outweigh the fears of a few vocal protestors. Please prohibit the naysayers from continuing to stall this project! If you support the expansion, it is VITAL that the City hears from you. PLEASE sign this petition and forward it to any and all supporters. You may also contact Ryan Hunt, Senior Planner, rhunt@indy.gov 317-327-5241, City-County Building, 200 E. Washington Street, Suite 1821, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 Thank you! Meridian Kessler Neighbors supporting quality change for the neighborhood!