Oppose George St being a bus waiting area
Kristine Bujold 0

Oppose George St being a bus waiting area

104 people have signed this petition. Add your name now!
Kristine Bujold 0 Comments
104 people have signed. Add your voice!
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I object strongly to the proposal for creating a 24/7 bus waiting area on the south side of George Street, between Cumberland Street and King Edward Avenue. On this street section is located Phase3 of The East Market (179 George St) which has 200 residential units. Also, next door is a day care facility, the Andrew Fleck Centre (195 George St), which is licensed to operate with 94 children age 18 months to 6 years. The Centre has a park where toddlers and kids play outside several times daily. They should not have to breathe in toxic fumes from idling and running 24/7 buses every day. Even though residents and the day care centre are on the north side of George Street, the noise, pollution, fumes, unsightliness and traffic generated will hardly be diminished by locating it on the south side. After all, the street is not that wide. In addition, there is already a well used STO bus bay on Cumberland, between Rideau and George, which is also very close to the residential building. This new proposal is contrary to the wishes of city Council, which made a decision in August to remove buses in this area. A bus terminal was built North of King Edward on Union St to remove such bus waiting areas from this highly dense residential area. There is no reason to turn this section of George St into a bus terminal. We urge your support of this decision. Letters of objection can be sent to Rosemary Nelson Coordinator, Transportation Committee, City of Ottawa (Rosemary.Nelson@ottawa.ca)




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